Hello Everyone,

As proof positive that time flies, here’s your reminder: in less than 9 weeks, we will be in Day 2 of the 2012 event. The route will be slightly different, the weather will be great (if past history holds true) and your Charity treks family will be happy to see you. What more could you ask for !!

If you haven’t signed up yet for the event but are planning to attend, please take the time to register online. This allows us more time for planning so we can produce another memory-filled event.

2012 Event

The 2012 event is from Burlington, VT to Portland, ME. It will be held from Monday, August 13 to Friday, August 17, 2012. Onsite registration will take place on Sunday, August 12 at our host hotel, which will be the Sheraton Burlington Hotel.

You can now register online now via our website at www.charitytreks.org.

Host Hotels

Our host hotels have blocks of rooms reserved for us. However, our blocks of rooms will be released at the end of June. The hotel is sold out for our date, so if you don’t reserve your room before June, there will be no room.

After registering for the event, please make your reservations for hotels and don’t forget to mention Charity Treks when making your reservations in order to get the rates quoted below.

Sheraton Burlington Hotel & Conference Center
870 Williston Road
Burlington, VT 05403
$142.00 per night + 10% tax = $156.20

Holiday Inn By the Bay
88 Spring Street
Portland, ME 04101
207-775-2311 or 800-345-5050
$178.00 per night + 7% tax = $190.46

Camp Updates

For those of you paying attention, you will notice that I am repeating this section of the newsletter (Camp Updates). I got so many questions about camps, even though all this information was in the last newsletter, so I thought a repeat was necessary.

CAMP 1: the Black Bear Inn in Bolton, VT. We are thrilled to back again this year, as we got nothing but positive comments from riders last year. You can check out their website at http://www.blkbearinn.com/.
PRINCESS OPTION: None (this is it).

CAMP 2: Quechee State Park in Quechee, VT. A very nice campground that we have used since our inception, only 5 minutes from Quechee Gorge.
PRINCESS OPTION: Quality Inn across the street from campground (http://www.qualityinn.com/hotel-quechee-vermont-VT014).

CAMP 3: Camp Woodlawn in Tilton, NH, also known as Rosanne Buck’s house. Rosanne is a longtime Charity Trekker and has graciously offered the use of her property (and pool!) for the evening.
PRINCESS OPTION: Nearby hotels (in Tilton) include Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn Express and Super 8 (use Google for links).

CAMP 4: Naples Campground in Naples, ME. We have stayed here for quite a few years, and the owners and hosts, Conrad and Pam, have always done their best to make us feel welcome. We are glad to be back again this year. You can check out their website at http://www.naplescampground.com/.
PRINCESS OPTION: Augustus Bove House (http://naplesmaine.com/)

Donation Update

We look forward to announcing that we’ve officially surpassed $1 million of cumulative funds raised, but that’ll have to wait for another day. For now, we have raised $8200.00 so far for the 2012 event. This is about $2,000 more than we had at this time last year, so keep up the fundraising.

Registration Update for 2012

The latest greatest registration update is as follows: 37 riders and 21 crew.

There are only 61 days until onsite registration in Burlington !!

If you haven’t signed up but plan on attending, please take a moment to register. You’ll feel better once you do and we can include you in our planning.

Remember, this is the year where we will top the $1 million mark in total funds raised and you want to be a part of that.

Mapping Trip, June 12-17

A hardworking, dedicated team of Charity Treks volunteers will be completing a mapping / training ride this week to check out the roads and continue to make improvements to the route. We will try to send / upload some pictures of the festivities (to Facebook), but no guarantees.

Jersey Design

I know that we promised a preview of this year’s jersey in the next newsletter, but what we really meant was the next newsletter, after this one.